Minutes of Meeting
Attendees: Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Nigel Wunsch-Vice Chair, Arlene Dickson SamaritansApologies: Lynn Keir- Treasurer, Diane Whateley-Secretary, Eugenie Aroutcheff- Grow 73, Michelle Farmer- Cambuslang CC, Kirsty Gray NLC, Alex Bray cross country,. Cambuslang Rotary, Jim Bolton- Rutherglen CC, John Wilson- Scotrail, Caroline Thompson – Noble CRN, Willie Clark Rail holdings Scotland. Updates A. Hope in Hamilton update B. Development Officer update C. Partners Update AOB As always we are looking for more volunteers/trustees to get involved in these projects – blurb below for sharing please. We would love any…
Minutes of Meeting
Present: Suzie McCheyne – Development Officer, Nigel Wunsch – Vice Chair, Cambuslang Rotary, Jim Bolton – Rutherglen CC, John Wilson – Scotrail, Caroline Thompson – Noble CRN, Kate Blanchard – OT NHS Lanarkshire, Willie Clark – Rail Holdings Scotland. Apologies: Lynn Keir- Treasurer, Susan Cairns – Beckford Lodge (NHS), Diane Whateley – Secretary, Eugenie Aroutcheff – Grow 73, Michelle Farmer – Cambuslang CC, Kirsty Gray NLC, Alex Bray – Cross Country, Arlene Dickson – Samamaritains. Updates A. Hope in Hamilton update Still awaiting landlords’ consent in progress requesting…
Minutes of Meeting
Updates on Hope in Hamilton, and updates on our Development Officer.
Minutes of Meeting
Present:, Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Diane Whateley- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch-acting Chair, Cambuslang Rotary, Eugenie Aroutcheff- Grow 73, Rose Hewitt- Newton Primary school; Denise Harvard Community Rail Network By Zoom: Jim Bolton- Rutherglen CC, Rob Mulholland- artist, John Wilson- Scotrail, Willie Clark-Transport Scotland, Alex Bray-cross country, Abbie Campbell- NHS lanarkshire Apologies: Lynn Keir- Treasurer, Steven Mclaughlin- trustee Updates A. Hope in Hamilton update RM had engaged with Beckford Lodge residents about positive affirmations and mantras for the artwork at Hamilton Central. ‘What brings you here’ is one which resonates.…
Minutes of Meeting
Present: Steven Mclaughlin- Chair, Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Lynn Keirs – treasurer, Nigel Wunsch- Cambuslang Rotary, Rosalie Dunn- Friends of Douglas Park, John Wilson- Scotrail, Rob Mulholland – Artist. Apologies – Eugenie Aroutcheff- Grow 73, Maureen Black- Beckford Lodge, Kirsty Gray- N Lanarkshire Council, Jim Bolton- Healthy and Happy, Alison Plummer- St Mary’s for All, Diane Whateley- Secretary Updates Community Rail Scotland update – New Community Rail network Scotland role awaiting final decision Community rail network have produced Scotland community rail report https://communityrail.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Community-Rail-in-Scotland-FINAL-FOR-WEB-links.pdf – Rail 74 CRP have…
Minutes of Virtual Meeting
Present:, Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Diane Whateley- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch- Cambuslang Rotary, , John Wilson – Scotrail, Tracey Stevenson, Jim Bolton- H&H, Rosalie Dunn- Friends of Douglas Park, Eugenie Aroutcheff- Grow 73, Willie Clark- Transport Scotland, Jim Bolton- Healthy and Happy, Fraser Hamilton website support. Apologies – Steven Mclaughlin- Chair, Maureen Black- NHS Beckford Lodge, Kirsty Gray NLC Updates NW: Keeping in touch with the CRP network in Scotland, but no developments as yet. Avanti funding £40k donation for Hamilton central art project now agreed and received. Artist…
Minutes of Meeting
Present: Steven Mclaughlin- Chair, Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Diane Whateley- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch- Cambuslang Rotary, Maureen Black- NHS Beckford Lodge, Ros Houldsworth- Scotrail, Jim Bolton- H&H, Rosalie Dunn- Friends of Douglas Park, Eugenie Aroutcheff- Grow 73, Jamie Richardson- Siemens, Willie Clark- Transport Scotland, Alison Plummer-St Mary’s for All, Jim Bolton- Healthy and Happy. Updates MW – Avanti – will chase up decision re £40k donation for Hamilton central art project; Covid travel restrictions may be in place for 18 months which will continue to affect leisure travel Avanti-…
Minutes of Meeting
Present: Steven Mclaughlin- Chair, Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Diane Whateley- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch- Cambuslang Rotary, John Wilson- Scotrail, Jim Bolton- H&H, Lynn…..-Treasurer, Rosalie Dunn- Friends of Douglas Park, Kirsty Gray- North Lanarkshire Council, Alison Plummer-St Mary’s for All, Jim Bolton- Healthy and Happy, Matthew Worman- Avanti Updates MW – Avanti – will chase up decision re £40k donation for Hamilton central art project; Covid travel restrictions may be in place for 18 months which will continue to affect leisure travel Avanti- open to applications from offline projects- RD…
Minutes of Meeting
Present: Steven Mclaughlin- Chair, Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Diane Whateley- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch- Cambuslang Rotary, John Wilson- Scotrail, Rose Hewitt- teacher@ Newton, John Hewitt- Volunteer, Kirsty Gray- North Lanarkshire Council, Rob Mullholland artist Apologies: Wendy Russell- Treasurer, Victoria Eccles- South Lanarkshire Council, Alison Plummer- St Mary’s for All, Eugenie Aroutcheff and Lynn Semple- Grow 73, Rosalie Dunn- Friends of Douglas Park Action Point Updates AP1: SMcC- to ascertain current Healthy& Happy rep at next Greening Camglen meeting. AP2: SmcC- waiting to hear from Blantyre Soccer Academy recycle lockers…
Minutes of AGM
St Mary’s for All, Hamilton Present: Suzie McCheyne- Chair/Development Officer, Wendy Russell- Treasurer, Alison Plummer- St Mary’s for All, Maureen Black- NHS Lanarkshire (Beckford Lodge), Steven Mclaughlin- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch- Cambuslang rotary, john Wilson- Scotrail, Victoria Eccles- South Lanarkshire Council, Eugenie Aroutcheff and Lynn Semple- Grow 73, Diane Whateley- volunteer. 1. Chair’s Report: SMcC opened by offering copies of the Development Day report and set out the key points from the year’s activities- involved over 50 under 15 year olds in the various projects, been nominated for 3…