Minutes of Meeting
Date: 2023-01-10Attendees: Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Diane Whateley- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch-Vice Chair, Cambuslang Rotary, Eugenie Aroutcheff- Grow 73, Jim Bolton- Rutherglen CC, John Wilson- Scotrail ,Matthew Worman- Avanti, Alex Bray-Cross Country, Caroline Thompson Noble … CRN, Diane and Kieran Wyse…..-Scottish Autistic Consultants.Apologies: Lynn Keir- Treasurer, Updates Development Officer Update Hope in Hamilton Update Everything is ready except the final landlord’s consent; Local MSP, Christine McKelvie is interested and has written a letter of support. Various Next meeting: 21/02/23 @2.30pm @ LEAP café, Cambuslang
Minutes of Meeting
Attendees: Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Nigel Wunsch-Vice Chair, Arlene Dickson SamaritansApologies: Lynn Keir- Treasurer, Diane Whateley-Secretary, Eugenie Aroutcheff- Grow 73, Michelle Farmer- Cambuslang CC, Kirsty Gray NLC, Alex Bray cross country,. Cambuslang Rotary, Jim Bolton- Rutherglen CC, John Wilson- Scotrail, Caroline Thompson – Noble CRN, Willie Clark Rail holdings Scotland. Updates A. Hope in Hamilton update B. Development Officer update C. Partners Update AOB As always we are looking for more volunteers/trustees to get involved in these projects – blurb below for sharing please. We would love any…
Project BikeTown
Date – 2018 Project Aim – The aim of Bike Town at the Station is to support cycling to and from the railway station to encourage cycling as an achievable and worthwhile form of transport, reducing reliance on the car and therefore decreasing people’s carbon footprint, promoting health, wellbeing and environmental benefits, in particular cleaner air. Funded by – Scotrail and Rail 74 Community Rail Partnership Project detail – Bike Town visited 3 Stations (Rutherglen, Cambuslang, Newton) on two separate occasions each in G72 & G73 twice and…