Present: Steven Mclaughlin- Chair, Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Diane Whateley- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch- Cambuslang Rotary, John Wilson- Scotrail, Jim Bolton- H&H, Lynn…..-Treasurer, Rosalie Dunn- Friends of Douglas Park, Kirsty Gray- North Lanarkshire Council, Alison Plummer-St Mary’s for All, Jim Bolton- Healthy and Happy, Matthew Worman- Avanti
MW – Avanti – will chase up decision re £40k donation for Hamilton central art project; Covid travel restrictions may be in place for 18 months which will continue to affect leisure travel
Avanti- open to applications from offline projects- RD to consider application for Friends of Douglas Park.
KG- Motherwell station adopters ready to start; Rail 74 need community groups there to support the extension of the CRP there.
Meeting on 2 October at Motherwell station to look at the refurbishment etc- SMcC, DGW, JW, KG
AP1: JW to find out who the station adopters are
SMcC– update
Not confirmed that Rose and school from Newton will adopt Newton station
AP2: JW to find out
Grow 73 have obtained the disused bowling greens in Overtoun Park and are also involved in pesticide free Camglen initiative.
AP3: SMcC to ask Eugenie and Lynn re funding for beeline project and also re assisting with Friends of Douglas park project- Rail 74 could potentially support financially.
SMcL: Keeping in touch with the CRP network in Scotland, but no developments as yet.
Next Meeting: 3 November 2020; 2pm- Virtual
DG Whateley