Monthly Archives: April 2023

Date: 04/04/2023, 2.30pm Present: Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Diane Whateley- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch-Vice Chair, ,John Wilson- Scotrail, Wille Clark- Scotrail holdings, Caroline Thompson-Noble-CRN. Jim bolton- Healthy and Happy, Diane Wise- Scottish Autistic Consultants, Viviana- potential volunteer, Matthew Worman- Avanti Apologies: Lynn Keir- Treasurer: Alex Bray- Cross Country Updates Development Officer 1. Greening CamGlen Network- planters in progress plus support from Vaslan. 6 green spaces beside stations – proposed QR codes linking to podcasts, explaining their function. There could be posters at all stations with the QR codes- funding…

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