Present:, Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Diane Whateley- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch- Cambuslang Rotary, , John Wilson – Scotrail, Tracey Stevenson, Jim Bolton- H&H, Rosalie Dunn- Friends of Douglas Park, Eugenie Aroutcheff- Grow 73, Willie Clark- Transport Scotland, Jim Bolton- Healthy and Happy, Fraser Hamilton website support.
Apologies – Steven Mclaughlin- Chair, Maureen Black- NHS Beckford Lodge, Kirsty Gray NLC
NW: Keeping in touch with the CRP network in Scotland, but no developments as yet.
Avanti funding £40k donation for Hamilton central art project now agreed and received. Artist has been contacted and agreed. Timeline created for repayment and trustees to draft formal contract letter.
RD completed an application for Friends of Douglas Park supported by suzie
Rail74 Crp have supported Grow 73 application for Rutherglen art project and payment made
SMcC– update
Rose and St Charles Primary from Newton will adopt Newton station
Contact with Phoneix futures (station adopter at motherwell) re meeting plan for after new year
Now have funding available to produce website – offline chat with fraser Hamilton to move this forward
LK : suggested credit union in east kilbride or scotwest for new account ;AP 1 suzie to checkout details and discuss with trustees.
EA : suggested visit to rob mullholand’s other work at Shawfield oatlands girl – agreed this would be useful after the travel restriction lift.
TS: Scotrail are moving to investors in volunteers programme through volunteer Scotland and looking for any station adopters or partners in the CRP to make contact if they wish to be involved
LK : offered volunteer procedures/policies that might be helpful for scotrail
JB : raised a question over accessibility at platforms and level stations for all stations along the line. Advised all of the station do have ramp or lift access and platform level ramps are freely available if needed.
Nigel wished everyone a happy and healthy festive break and hoping for some great community action in 2021
Next Meeting: 16th February 2021 ; 2pm- Virtual