Tag Archives: Rutherglen

Date: 2023-09-26Attendees: Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Jim Bolton- Rutherglen Rotary, Victoria Moore-volunteer, Willie Clark- Transport for Scotland, Fraser Hamilton – volunteer. Updates A. Development Officer Various Next meeting: 14/11/23 @2.30pm @ H&H in Rutherglen, confirmed booking in place.

Date: 2023-08-15Attendees: Suzie McCheyne- Development Officer, Diane Whateley- Secretary, Eugenie Aroutcheff- Grow 73, Jim Bolton- Rutherglen CC, John Wilson- Scotrail, Alex Bray-Cross Country, Caroline Thompson-Noble CRN, Victoria Moore-volunteer, Arlene Dickson-Samaritans, Willie Clark- Transport for Scotland, Haotian Zheng- Postgrad Student Updates A. Development Officer AP1: WC will send a report about Rutherglen to Network rail Board/Scotrail CPT suggested that corporate volunteers might be able to contribute. JW reported that Network Rail had recruited a team of painters and a report had been made to Scotrail Holdings about the state…

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