St Mary’s for All, Hamilton
Present: Suzie McCheyne- Chair/Development Officer, Wendy Russell- Treasurer, Alison Plummer- St Mary’s for All, Maureen Black- NHS Lanarkshire (Beckford Lodge), Steven Mclaughlin- Secretary, Nigel Wunsch- Cambuslang rotary, john Wilson- Scotrail, Victoria Eccles- South Lanarkshire Council, Eugenie Aroutcheff and Lynn Semple- Grow 73, Diane Whateley- volunteer.
1. Chair’s Report:
SMcC opened by offering copies of the Development Day report and set out the key points from the year’s activities- involved over 50 under 15 year olds in the various projects, been nominated for 3 awards and won the Vaslan award and a silver from ACORPS. Eight projects had been delivered including the totem pole at Hamilton West and the school rail ambassador initiative. Rail 74 now had over 300 followers on social media.
Aims for next year:
- Sustainability of the CRP
- Increase profile
- Increase collaboration/partnerships
- Methods of recording CRP impact
2. Treasurer’s Report:
See attached income/expenditure details- summary is £943 b/f from previous year, income received was £15015 less expenditure £15350 leaving a current surplus of £334.
Accounts proposed by NW and seconded by AP.
3. Roles
Chair- Steven Mclaughlin. Proposed NW, seconded AP
Treasurer- Wendy Russell. Proposed EA, seconded by LS
Secretary- Diane Whateley. Proposed SM, seconded by AP
Vice chair- Nigel Wunsch. Proposed AP, seconded WR.
Development Officer- Suzie McCheyne. Proposed SMcL, seconded NW.
SMcC to send role details to LS for circulation and agreement (AP1)
4. Award nominations
Grow 73- stationer adopters and also Rutherglen heritage project
Suzie McCheyne- volunteer of the year
Award lunch- Central hotel, 7 June @12 noon. SM, SMcC and DGW attending along with EA and LS.
5. Project updates
a) Mental health awareness- to tie in with Rail Safety week; 22—29 June
- SAMH- deliver wellness board games on trains into Glasgow central possibly in conjunction with Central station tour attendance to be arranged for members of the CRP by NW. (AP2)
JW and SMcC to discuss other community team involvement (AP3).
- Interactive art work at Hamilton central- sculpture involving Rob, Overtoun Park work
SMcC to give overview and brief for costings (AP4)
VE to assist by asking SLC funding team to look for possible match funding (AP5)
Other interested groups could include SAMH, Men’s sheds, Scotrail
Key messages to include community engagement and ownership of final product with the aim of decreasing anti-social behaviour, suicides and trespass.
LS mentioned a story telling machine at Paddington station. ES had recorded stories from their Rutherglen heritage project. MB said that her group would be interested in recording stories as well.
b) Soup Garden- Beckford Lodge
Soup veg to be grown with CCI and other groups for food banks. Re:volve to provide fabric for tote bags (AP6- WR) and AP to approach Woodside primary head teacher to get involvement possibly by designing a logo for the project, as this school is very near to Hamilton central station.
6. AOB
a) Website development
Issues around SMART objectives, marketing, increasing volunteer numbers, sustainability, inherent value, increasing profile in the community etc
SMcC to SMcL to meet with website designer to discuss social media strategy (AP7)
7. Future meetings
Tuesdays, 10am.
18 June- Rutherglen Town Hall
23 July- Hamilton- St Mary’s for All
20 August- Cambuslang Hub
DG Whateley
21 May 2019